How To Connect Puffco Peak Pro To iPhone: Puffco iOS App Tutorial

Mar 28, 2024

 How To Connect The Puffco Peak Pro To My iPhone: A Seamless IOS Integration 

In today's tech-savvy world, the art of vaping has evolved beyond simple enjoyment. It's about precision, control, and customization, qualities that the Puffco Peak Pro embodies perfectly. This guide will walk you through how to connect the Puffco Peak Pro to your iPhone via IOS, a process that unlocks a new dimension of vaping experience.

Preparing Your iPhone for Connection

Before embarking on this digital pairing adventure, ensure your iPhone is ready. Updating your iPhone's IOS to the latest version guarantees compatibility, laying a seamless foundation for the Puffco app to work its magic.

Turning On Bluetooth on Your iPhone

With the app installed, navigate to your iPhone's settings to enable Bluetooth. This is crucial for the pairing process, as it allows your phone to discover the Peak Pro.

Step By Step Guide

Below are Step By Step Screenshots on how to download the Puffco Peak Pro App for IOS on iPhone.

Step 1. Go To App Store | Step 2. Download Path Browser | Step 3.Open App | Step 4: Search:

 Steps 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 To Connect Your Puffco Peak Pro To IOS iPhone

Steps 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 To Connect Your Puffco Peak Pro To IOS iPhone
Steps 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 To Connect Your Puffco Peak Pro To IOS iPhone

Understanding the Puffco Peak Pro

The Puffco Peak Pro stands as a pinnacle of vaporizer technology, offering users an unparalleled experience. Its Bluetooth connectivity is not just a feature but a gateway to a customizable vaping journey. The Path Browser App on IOS allows your Puffco device to become an extension of your iPhone, offering control and insights that were previously unimaginable.

Optimizing Your Experience

Through the app, you can adjust temperature settings, session duration, and explore various features to enhance your vaping experience. It's about making the Peak Pro truly yours.

Troubleshooting Common Connection Issues

Should you face any hiccups during the connection process, the guide offers solutions to common issues like the device not appearing in Bluetooth settings or unstable connections. 


To ensure a stable connection between your Puffco Peak Pro and your iPhone, always keep the Bluetooth feature enabled on your phone and the Puffco app running in the background. Additionally, avoid connecting too many devices to your phone's Bluetooth at once, as this could interfere with the connection. Regularly updating the Puffco app and your device's firmware through the app can also prevent connectivity issues.

If your Puffco Peak Pro isn't recognized by the app, try the following steps:

  1. Ensure that your Peak Pro is fully charged and powered on.
  2. Restart the Bluetooth on your iPhone by turning it off and on again.
  3. Force quit the Puffco app and reopen it.
  4. Restart your Puffco Peak Pro by turning it off and on.
  5. If the issue persists, reset your Peak Pro's Bluetooth settings (consult the user manual for instructions) and attempt to reconnect.

Yes, the Puffco app allows users to connect multiple Puffco devices. However, you can only actively control one device at a time. To switch between devices, you need to disconnect from the current device within the app and then connect to another one. This feature is particularly useful for users who own different Puffco products.

Yes, the device offers 4 preset temperatures ranging from 490°F to 575°F. Additionally, the Puffco app provides full customization of temperature, session duration, and more. You do NOT need the App to use the New Peak Pro.

To update your Peak Pro's firmware:

  1. Connect your device to the app following the steps outlined in the guide.
  2. If an update is available, a notification will appear in the app. Click on the notification to start the update process.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update. Ensure that your Peak Pro remains connected and close to your iPhone during this process.

Yes, connecting your Puffco Peak Pro to the iPhone app unlocks several exclusive features. These include detailed customization of heating profiles, LED color settings, and haptic feedback options. The app also provides access to session statistics, such as usage frequency and average session length, offering insights into your vaping habits. Additionally, firmware updates released through the app can introduce new features and improvements to your device.